Why I like this article? ( Philippines has World Heaviest Load ) It strike to the very center of Filipino’s buying attitude and the influenced of mass media. We tend to be easily deceived on what we saw and hear. What’s the latest gadget in the market? Do we need it? Yeahh of course. Of the many features and function the latest Cellphone we own can we utilize most of it? Yeahh… “I can take pictures and download and share it to my friends…” woowwww how useful, I’m not totally guilty.
No need for more rhetoric’s. The articles is written by Willy E. Arcilla. Though convergence of people from Ad industry - people responsible for creating temptation on buying something, it run’s into ad spending habit of our local manufacturing industry. On how to effectively deliver their message and product to the consumer without cluttering the media outlets and outdoor billboards and best of all to have the moral and social responsibility in nation building.
But, isn’t very contrasting? The idea of this Ad Agency is to entice people to buy, buy, buy and buy? And that’s what the manufacturing sector wants. Buy, buy, buy and buy more.
Here's the excerpt...
THE ad congress’ keynote speaker, John Gokongwei, once quipped in a separate occasion, “We are a nation that produces nothing and consumes everything.” If
Filipinos need to spend less and save more, to be more of producers and not just consumers. Unbridled ad spending may also contribute to the country’s worsening culture of materialism, which without proper guidance, can lead to an erosion in morality manifested in envy and covetousness, as shown in dishonesty in school tests and even TV game shows, in national elections and tax declarations. In the extreme, it can also lead to criminality and violence, and even in the rampant graft and corruption of civil servants who aspire for but cannot afford the tempting luxuries from the relentless indoctrination of glamorous ads that goad them to “live up with the Joneses” on their shoestring wages.
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